I suspect that more then 51% of my cognizant time is devoted to designing, sewing, critiquing, redesigning, sewing, critiquing, redesigning, etc., the first official collection of my first official line.
EXCUSE ME, did I say 'my'? I meant 'our'.
Enters (exquisitely): my business partner/roommate/besty, Nikki Garcia.
Those who read this blog (maybe just my mom?) know Nikki from past posts. I'm honored to announce that this strikingly talented lady and I will be collaborating in our BIG fashion journey (she's mine, so don't even think about it Marc!). When time permits, I'll continue to dabble in zombie-esque dresses and post-apocalyptic hoods, but *WE'RE* gonna knock your socks off. Bam!
Above is a super secret sneak peak.
Also; check out Nikki's designs on her blog http://nikkimgarcia.blogspot.com/
Your mom did read it (along with many others I'm sure) and thinks what you and Nikki are doing is very exciting.