If you're interested in experiencing the rare goodness of living with a profoundly amazing woman; call Celene Lehrer. I will miss her as I imagine folks who've recently moved from LA to Kansas miss the ocean. We part ways with fond memories and a solid assurance that our journey together will continue forever.
And now, I embark on a new spacial adventure in The Mission District of San Francisco. Located on Treat street, I now reside in a renovated crack house with 5 very special humans. Nikki Garcia, Anna Lodwick, Tyler Love, Donald (who I don't know very well yet, but I imagine will eventually become very special), and Bill (the cat).
Our home is sandwiched between an insanely mind-blowing post-modern children's community center, a burnt down house (turned squat/junkyard), and a miniature soccer field where miniature people play at dusk. Our backyard is perhaps the largest backyard in the city of San Francisco. Composed of 90% cement; this space has provided a nostalgic journey into the wonderful world of figure roller-skating. (see how happy this makes me in the picture below)