

R.I.P Hayes Valley Home.
If you're interested in experiencing the rare goodness of living with a profoundly amazing woman; call Celene Lehrer. I will miss her as I imagine folks who've recently moved from LA to Kansas miss the ocean. We part ways with fond memories and a solid assurance that our journey together will continue forever.
And now, I embark on a new spacial adventure in The Mission District of San Francisco. Located on Treat street, I now reside in a renovated crack house with 5 very special humans. Nikki Garcia, Anna Lodwick, Tyler Love, Donald (who I don't know very well yet, but I imagine will eventually become very special), and Bill (the cat).
Our home is sandwiched between an insanely mind-blowing post-modern children's community center, a burnt down house (turned squat/junkyard), and a miniature soccer field where miniature people play at dusk. Our backyard is perhaps the largest backyard in the city of San Francisco. Composed of 90% cement; this space has provided a nostalgic journey into the wonderful world of figure roller-skating. (see how happy this makes me in the picture below)


Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, I am free at last!
{excuse me for equating my free rein from F.I.D.M to the defining moment of the Civil Rights Movement}. But yes, my graduate education from fashion school has come to a haul, and I'm forever unfettered from creating 'according-to-specifications-notch-collars' and subjection to 'shallow-freshly-out-of-the-closet-gay-boy-from-Modesto' conversation.
What have I done since my final hurrah last week?
Besides the obvious (binge drink, sleep and indulge in 2 season's of Battlestar Galactica), I've caught up via phone and email with close friends/family, made visits to acquaintances in the city, and taken time
to talk to strangers with cute dogs in the park. But no encounter occurs without the deliverance of the following inevitable question...
What the fuck are you going to do now? (*fuck omitted on occasion*)
My memorized 2-liner is delivered quickly and without hesitation
(or unfortunately any authenticity).
So...friends, family, strangers in the park; you ask the question again...
'What the fuck are you going to do now?'

Lelaina Pierce couldn't articulate my ambivalence better in her famous graduation speech from Houston State:
And they wonder why those of us in our twenties...refuse to work an 80-hour week... just so we can afford to buy their BMWs...why we aren't interested... in the counterculture that they invented...as if we did not see them disembowel their revolution...for a pair of running shoes.
But the question remains...
what are we going to do now?
How can we repair all the damage we inherited? Fellow graduates, the answer is simple. The answer is...The answer is...
I don't know.



A collection of more dystopian, post-apocalypse inspired clothing.